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2023 - JAPAN TRIP - Nick Axakalis (3).jpg

November 20-25, 2023


 The Technical Manager of NAX Machining Works, Nikolaos Axakalis, visit Japan to observe the manufacturing and the assembling lines from OKUMA. Their primary objective was to visit the central and the first premises of OKUMA (Headquarters Plant). During his stay, he aimed to familiarize himself with the new releases, multitasking machines, and automation-digitalization solutions.

Their itinerary included several significant visits:


OKUMA Headquarters Plant:

  • Dream site 1: Producing multitasking machines, medium-sized and large lathes, and vertical lathes. DS1 is a self-contained start-to-finish production factory consisting of a machine shop and an assembly shop, handling all processes from materials input to shipment.

  • Dream site 2: A self-contained start-to-finish production factory of small and medium-sized lathes and grinders. As the first step, operation of a machine shop has started in 2017.


  • Memorial Gallery: The watch the timeline and the history of Okuma.

OKUMA Kani plant: DS3 is a large machine shop that produces parts for machining centers. It achieves "mass customization" by using the experience developed in DS1 and DS2. In addition, robot and FMS automation has been put on the fast track, enabling unattended operation for 72 hours.

NAX is going to purchase a "multitasking" machine into next year to expand its production capabilities, so the trip to JAPAN (the source of technological developments) was a one-way street.

July 03-10, 2023


The CEO of NAX Machining Works, Jordan Axakalis, along with the Operations Manager, George Koronios, embarked on a journey to Japan. Their primary objective was to visit the central premises of DMG MORI, a renowned leader in manufacturing technology. During their stay, they aimed to familiarize themselves with the latest technological advancements, including ultrasonic and additive machines, automation and digitalization solutions.

Their itinerary included several significant visits:

Nara System Solution Plant: One of their first stops was the Nara System Solution plant, a facility specialized in designing custom-made production lines.

IGA Campus Tour: The envoys also embarked on an informative tour of the IGA Campus, where they had the opportunity to witness a production and assembly line in action.

Global Solution Center: Another essential part of their journey involved a visit to the Global Solution Center. Here, they had the privilege of meeting experts in the field and getting acquainted with the most recent advancements in ultrasonic and additive CNC machines. This encounter allowed them to gain a deeper understanding of how these technologies could benefit NAX Machining Works.

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May 09-11, 2023


DEFEA - Defence Exhibition Athens 2023 has concluded, but our sights are already set on the next edition in May 2025. The event provided an excellent opportunity for meeting existing and potential partners and customers, engaging in discussions about the forthcoming #EDF calls, and showcasing our high precision machining parts and refurbishes of Hellenic navy's weapon systems.


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February 09-12, 2023

The CEO of NAX Machining Works, Jordan Axakalis, along with the Technical Manager, Nick Axakalis and the technical supervisor Fotis Minopetros, embarked on a trip to Pfronten, Germany. Their primary purpose was to visit the production facility of DMG MORI, a well-known leader in manufacturing and additive technology.

Their mission revolved around an exclusive tour of DMG MORI's production and assembly operations. Throughout their visit, their primary focus was to gain in-depth insights into the latest technological innovations, including ultrasonic and additive manufacturing processes, automated systems, cutting-edge digitalization solutions, and the opportunity to witness world premieres, such as the DMF 300/11.

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November 13-16, 2022

We are glad to inform you that NAX Machining Works attended the event of Greece@CERN 2022! The event took place on the 14th and 15th of November at CERN.


Our company was presented at the main hall of CERN by Nikolaos Axakalis, among other pioneer companies of Greece’s technology.


During the event, we had the opportunity to discuss future projects with CERN engineering directors, visit a wide variety of workshops, including the Main Mechanical Workshop, the Large Magnet Assembly Workshop for the HL-LHC accelerator, the CMS experiment and ELENA Anti-Matter Laboratory.

It was an exceptional opportunity to witness such level of cutting-edge technology and expertise during the visit at the workshops, followed by the long and impressive history of the first accelerator, the “Synchrocyclotron” during our visit at the museum.


A truly inspirational event, enhancing our already strong cooperation with CERN and paving the way for future collaborations!

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May 12, 2022


NAX Machining Works

On 12/05/22, an online meeting was held between the postgraduates of the "Product design and production program of School Production Engineering & Management with the company NAX. Knowledge transfer and cooperation are the main parameters for progress.

Aristomenhs Antoniadis - professor of the School of Production Engineering and Management and responsible Micromachining and Manufacturing Modeling Laboratory said: “How lucky a teacher can feel when his student manages to surpass him!!

I would like to thank Nikos Axakalis for his  today’s attendance in the context of the postgraduate program «Product design and production» of our School of Production Engineering & Management, and his exceptional presentation regarding the activities and operations of the company ΝAX Machining Works (  in which he works as a Technical Manager.

Additionally, not forget to mention and thank Mr. Jordan Axakalis – the CEO of NAX- for his valuable information and experiences on issues of processing and production but also for the support and help he provided. We feel blessed to have such partners and friends.”

Nikolaos Axakalis: "Thank you very much Mr. Antoniadis for the knowledge you offered me five years at the technical university of Crete and our good cooperation until now. We will win!!"

October 10, 2021


NAX Machining Works purchase a PH10M-PLUS probe and a dedicated head controller with OEM machine controller systems for the CMM DEA SCIROCCO.


February  01, 2022

A brand new laser marking with rotary chuck as 4-axis added to NAX's equipment.


Marking Speed  -  ≤12000mm/s                  Repetition Precision  -  ±0.001mm 

Min. Character Size  -  0.05mm                    Laser Wavelength  -  1060nm

Laser Repetition  -  ≤100KHz                       Power Supply  -  220V/50Hz/10A


April  06, 2022


NAX is pleased to announce the new mechanical engineer who joined into our family.

Christos Koutsogiannis - Junior Manufacturing Engineer

Undergraduate student in National Technical University of Athens department of Mechanical Engineering. Interested in mechanical design, innovative design and manufacturing. Skilled in programming languages, CAD/CAM/CAE software and other design tools.

Basic skills & endorsements

  • Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

  • Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)

  • Multi-physics engineering simulation (ANSYS)

Linked in:

October 10, 2021


NAX purchase a new  LH600E LINEAR HEIGHT - MITUTOYO  


 Accuracy:  ±(1.1+0.6L/600)μm

Measurement range: 900mm

Temperature compensation


July  13-15, 2021


Defence Exhibition Athens (DEFEA) hosts the international defence industry alongside the major Greek defence companies, with an equal split across land, air, sea and cyber security.


NAX Machining Works is pleased for the participation as sub-contractor of mechanical parts with very strict dimensional and geometrical tolerances.

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October  14, 2020


NAX is pleased to announce the new mechanical engineer who joined into our family.

Fotis Minopetros

Mechanical Engineer with experience in analysis and design of machines. Skilled in programming languages, CAD/CAM/CAE software and other design tools.

Basic skills & endorsements

  • Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

  • Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)

  • Multi-physics engineering simulation (ANSYS)

Linked in:

September  25, 2019


NAX Machining Works is pleased to announce the addition of our newest Okuma M460V 5AXIS, bought with the co-financing of the program ΕΣΠΑ 2014-2020.

Okuma Genos M460V 5-Axis  machine center Key Features:


  • Travels X762-Y460-Z460 and work size d600 x h400

  • X,Y,Z,B,C axis with absolute linear encoders, 0.001mm at 150m/min

  • Thermal stability with TAS-S and TAS-C systems

  • Spindle with 15000rpm / 22KW / 199Nm

  • High-Speed Control providing Super NURBS 5-axis interpolation, RTCP II, and Tool life management

  • Trunnion table with Hypoid gear transmission and direct absolute measurement

  • Spindle coolant through system with 70bar pressure for special drilling

  • Interactive work gauging software, Metrology cycle via Renishaw probe.

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April  15, 2019


Our visit at Expo Machinery at Sofia- Bulgaria. Focused on Bulkmetal kiosk , for the Okuma Genos M460V – 5AX….what a machine!! Shall we buy it ? I think we should!! 


January  24, 2019

Our visit at DMG premises for the Open House Pfronten 2019. An outstanding experience full of new CNC machines and technologies accompanied by an excellent hosting from DMG Hellas. Sorry but no photos  allowed inside factory.


March  31, 2014


A new arrival for the arsenal of NAX….a brand new

Okuma Genos M560RV 4-Axis Vertical machine center.

X 1050 / Y 500/ Z 460 with 4 axis rotary table Kitagawa TMX250, high speed cutting, ATC 32 tools , coolant through…


February 7, 2012


Purchasing of a new  DEA Scirocco CMM

Travels 1400mm x 860mm x 660mm, driven by PC-DMIS CAD 2012

Accuracy: 2.8μm + (L/250)

Company's info

Monachou Samouil 10, Neo Ikonio Perama 188 63

+30 2104316628

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